Book a Phonecall

Schedule your phone call and let’s talk about options

We can help you explore new sourcing solutions in more detail, including how you can benefit from better cost and timeframe insights to meet your business needs – whether that is collaborating with a new supplier, due diligence, trademark services, marketing services, or joint ventures with new partners.

During your consultation, we’ll discuss:

• Your business sector or industry
• Your current country region
• Your countries of interest in doing business
• And how DeMers Trade will scout your needs within specific
industry associations affiliates, network, and subject matter

We’re here to help you find reliable sourcing options and business relationships.

Worldwide Ecommerce, is our channel

Sourcing from Latin American manufactures

We connect you with reliable sources in Latin America, reducing your dependency on Asian manufacturers or other service providers.

Expanding to the North American market

We sell your products in one of the largest markets in the world.

Multidisciplinary Business Consulting

We have an active professional network ready to coach you and work together.